Thursday, May 22, 2014

The best weapon you can get for Wildstar

There are various weapons available for each class. Which one could be the best? Warrior power sword and arm cannon: A power sword can smash through anything getting in the way. An arm cannon can be used to shoot, grapple,power-saw and water.

 Spellslinger mag pistols and magic sigils: Dual pistols allow bullets shoot continuously and sigils can throw bad guys around, aim heals at their buddies, or blast things with fire and stuff. Esper psy-blade and illusions: The psy blade is a bladed weapon to control minds. Illusions can attack minds too by unleashing powerful nightmare visions on their foes or beneficial dreams on their allies. Engineer launcher and bots: A launcher is to fire out experimental projectiles called an artillery strike. Bots can tank, DPS, CC and even heals. Stalker claws and high-tech gadgets: Claws are to chain lightning quick combos and position-based strikes. High-tech gadgets help keep targets within grasp.

 Medic resonators, stations and probes: Resonators allow to charge or channel powerful diagnostic fields that mend wounded allies or devastate healthy enemies, often simultaneously. Stations can strategically control the battlefield by leaving fixed zones for damage or healing. Probes can be attached to allies and enemies to heal, damage, buffs, or de-buffs. While each class has their unique weapons, the best “weapon” for every class would be an online shop where you can buy cheap wildstar gold, wildstar items and wildstar power leveling. With this “weapon” in hand, you don’t have to worry about at all in the game—wildstar gold is needed at any stage. You will be a decent fighter in Nexus. Let be your best weapon.

Lockpicking strategies in the elder scrolls online

The ES series all have a lockpicking system but with different ways and strategies. Lockpicking, generally speaking, is really useful when you want to break into one’s house or open a treasure chest, where many cheap eso items or eso gold can be found.

This system in eso is similar to what it is in Oblivion—a mini game, we can say: You have to “feel” the lock by watching the visual effects and listening to the sounds of pins or tumblers being forced up and falling down. Once you know which visuals/sounds to look out for, you can master the art of lockpicking. Also there are some general tips helping you out: Instantly click on the tumbler the very moment it begins to drastically shake. Carefully listen to the sounds made by the tumbler when you push it further. There is a special sound if it comes to the right place.

Try several times (less than five) to figure out the right sound and right place. If you fail, you will break a lockpick. Lockpicks can be bought from town merchants. Don’t enter Tamriel with no lockpick. Anyway, they can be looted in the starter area in Coldharbor. As you level up, you will come across chests that are difficult to open, thus mastering the above tips will help a lot.

Lockpicking high level chests has a time limit. What’s worse, someone may take your opportunity away since there is no pausing the game for this MMO. So you have to keep a really keen eye on some cheeky fellow as well as the right place and special sound. Good quality eso items and ESO gold will never be enough for a player. Hope you can unlock more chests and obtain excellent items. Or you can seek eso power leveling. Why? Craglorn is available! What are you still waiting for?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Craglorn launch on May 22

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eso gold Finally, here comes Craglorn. Eso official site post this announcement yesterday on May 21. It goes that the Update 1, including Craglorn, will hit the live servers starting tomorrow. At the same time, the servers will be offline. The maintenance will begin on Thursday, May 22 at 8 AM EDT for the North American megaserver and at 10 PM EDT for the European Megaserver. After the maintenance Update 1 will be available to players. The update this time includes the first adventure zone Craglorn, where there are new four-player quests and delves and more exploration, the first 12-player Trials, and a host of fixes and improvements. Players have been expecting it for a long time as there are leak-out information about the update about three weeks ago. Although many fixes have been done in the past weeks, these fixes and improvements in the new Update 1 are also what players are expecting. This update is the first since the official release of the elder scrolls online and it comes right in accordance with the time Zenimax has promised—no much delay. It has been on PTS for about half a month, so we can hope a more smoothly eso since Zenimax really frustrated a lot in bugs and sure they have learned some lessons. The Update means more challenges and better ESO items. Turn to for some if needed.

Wildstar financial model feature

wildstar character
 Wildstar, together with many other massively multiplayer online role playing game, such as the elder scrolls online, is subscription based and has a wildstar gold based in-game economy. With a $60 box cost, Wildstar players will be immediately credited for 30 days of included game time.

And at the end of the 30 days, a monthly subscription fee of $15 should be paid for future content development. This is the common financial model. But Carbine, the developer, also gives another way—C.R.E.D.D. C.R.E.D.D. is actually an in-game item that can be redeemed for 30 days’ game play. It can be purchased either from the official website with real money or from the CX (Commodities Exchange) in-game with wildstar gold. The interesting part is if one is short of wildstar gold, he can buy C.R.E.D.D.

with real money and sell it in CX for wildstar gold. And if one is full of time and energy, he can farm enough wildstar gold in the game for the C.R.E.D.D. This is a benign play-to-pay cycle. It should be pointed out that wildstar gold, as the only currency in-game, is really hard to obtain. As far as we know, at the early level zones monsters are few, so the chances to loot get less. On the other hand, seldom does someone have so much time to farm wildstar gold all by himself for C.R.E.D.D. In this case, it is suggested that players should better buy wildstar gold. cheap wildstar gold is available at Hope it can help you improve your game experience.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Ways to maximize your eso inventory size

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 Are you fond of looting everything in the elder scrolls online, even a single crate or barrel? If so, do you have problem lacking inventory space? Then it’s time you learned some effective ways to maximize your inventory size and improve your quality of life in Tamriel. But they are eso gold based, so get yourself enough ESO gold first.

 Get familiar with Pack merchants to buy pack upgrades. Every character in eso has 60 defaulted inventory slots and it can be upgraded to 110. One upgrade increases the size by 10, and the price is different. For example, the first inventory upgrade to 70 slots costs 400 eso gold while the last upgrade to 110 costs 19,200 eso gold.

Feed your mount to add carrying capacity. A mount, especially the draft horse, which has 10 capacity higher than any other, is worth feeding every 20 hours to add the carrying capacity by 1. Though it costs 42,700 eso gold to but the mount and every feeding costs 250 eso gold, it is a good way to increase your inventory slots.

 Make use of the bank space. Each account has a defaulted bank slots of 60, which can also upgraded to 240. The first upgrade costs 1000 eso gold, and the last one 85000—that’s a lot!

 Take advantage of guild banks. Guild banks may not be as convenient as others casue it is limited to guildmaster. Only when you have create a guild by yourself and 9 other willing members can you get access to the guild bank.

 Create mule characters. It can’t be possible that you have all your eso items in your shared bank at the same time, so you can put those cheap ESO items that will be used later in the mule characters.

Take advantage of the mail system in game. Send a mail with a bunch of eso items to one of your trusted friends then have him return the mail to you. This will provide you unlimited bag space. But pay attention the mails expire in 30 days. don’t let them disappear. You see, there are so many ways to maximize your inventory size. But if you don’t have enough eso gold for that, come to to buy cheap ESO gold.

Skill Points in ESO

 One of the limited resources in the elder scrolls online is skill points. Skill points are needed for almost everything from unlocking passive crafting skills to passive and active combat skills and their morphs. It is very important to grab all the skill points you can get for character progression. Some of skill points can be cumulated naturally with your advance in the game,but sometimes you may also go out of your way. There are more than 300 skill points available in the game. And the number of skill points is only going to get bigger and bigger in ESO with new content updates and zones. At the same time you’ll gain access to a greater variety of skill. But 300 is not enough to master everything. For example, crafting alchemy will eat 19 skill points, other crafting professions can be as many as 23. But since eso is all about combat, your skill points should be focused on combat skills and passives. So you’d better allocate your skill points well. How to get skill points? First, leveling. Every level helps you get a skill point, so from level 1-veteran rank 10, there are 59 skill points in total. Second, doing quests. Completing a whole quest line in a zone may give you 3 skill points while the main story line guarantees 10. Every 4-man dungeon quest done, you will gain 1. Meanwhile, public dungeons and fight in Cyrodill all give you skill points. Third, gathering skyshards. You will get one skill points for every three skyshards, 107 in total. How to reset skill points? This is done at a shrine which can be found in the second major alliance zone. But it’s not free. This costs 100 ESO gold per skill point – the more skill points you have, the more you have to pay. Here is where the shrines are: Aldmeri Dominion Skill point reset shrine, Shrine to Stendarr is in Elden Root, Grahtwood. Ebonheart Pact Skill point reset shrine, Shrine to Stuhn is in Mournhold, Deshaan. Daggerfall Covenant Skill point reset shrine, Shrine to Stendarr is in Wayrest, Stormhaven. More information,please click

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wildstar Gold Hard to Make

wildstar character

 Wildstar Open Beta is just over. What’s your impression on the game? Is it as excited as what you have thought? Have you got any suggestions about the game? Anyway, we have one here about the quests in Wildstar. You will find the completing of the quests in the low level areas is quite at ease. Yes, that is the same as almost every other massively multiplayer online game. As everyone starts at the same time at the same place, when it first launches, an overabundance of players will cluster in the early zones. That’s how a traffic jam comes at the beginning.

 Though the ease will over for players advance at different paces and the population begins to spread out, there are some quests and objectives in the starting areas that are difficult to complete, because there are too many players but too-difficult-to-find required items and very scarce monsters, which, definitely, causes making cheap wildstar gold in the early stages quite difficult—no monsters to kill means little loot. But it was impossible to do anything in Nexus without wildstar gold, the main currency in this virtual world.

The game is undoubtedly fun and entertaining as to many other aspects, yet it really requires an ongoing investment of time and energy even in the early period, as you know, you have to wait for a monster to kill. In this case, buying ws gold seems to be a good way or deeply have fun in the game. I mean, before Wildstar’s launch on June 3, you should have found out a perfect place to buy it. Then is your best choice.