Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"The Elder Scrolls 6: Ali Nuo" announced to open a new chapter in RPG

On GDC 2013, Mengliao constantly. Bethesda's classic role-playing game "The Elder Scrolls 5," the latest sequel to "The Elder Scrolls 6: Ali Nuo" already in the pipeline.
Reportedly, the background will no longer be for Skyrim, but it's far from the New World - the home of the High Elves summer twilight island "Ali Nuo." In this piece of exotic new world, will open a new chapter. "The Elder Scrolls 6" game capacity will reach 20G, nearly half of the game objects can be destroyed, role-playing games trying to break into a single mission mode, NPC and other bottlenecks in thin image.
 ESO Gold

And all this can be achieved is to be a pillar industry believes that the next generation can surpass frost Engine 3's Creation.
Creation engine is a modified version of Bethesda, and there is still no screenshots released, but some people think, "Elder Scrolls Online" screen should reach this level:

Because Bethesda to build a can and "witches 3" comparable to the fantasy theme "The Elder Scrolls 6" to consolidate its position, only for love "Fallout 4" players apologize, it is expected to be the next generation of the next host in 2018 launched.

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