Saturday, May 3, 2014

Processes of alchemy in the elder scrolls online

Alchemy makes potions. Compared with provisioning, which needs a recipe to follow, the craft of alchemy is much more complex, not only for its rare resources, but for its unknown effects. Because of this, alchemy seems mysterious but interesting.

To do alchemy, gather resources first. Alchemy resources include flowers, mushrooms, roots, leaves and so on. They are everywhere but are not so easy to find. If you see an outstanding bright color plant, that, to a large extent, may be an alchemy reagent. Most reagents hide themselves under tall grass, or with colors that are hard to tell from the environment. There is seldom competition for these plants are difficult to spot and are easily passed-by.

Water is also needed for brewing, which can be found in wineskins or little steamy, bubbly patches in rivers and other natural bodies of water. But the type of water determines the strength of the potion. For example, Natural Water makes level 3 potions, while Clear Water makes level 10 potions.

After you have gathered the resources, you have to discover their properties. These ingredients have multiple unknown effects. You can either do some experimental brewing to unlock these mystery properties or eat the plant to find the first property. Do remember that one brewing reagent must be combined with other reagents with the same properties in order to make a functional potion or it will be useless.

Now you can brew. Add the water to the brewing stand and start mixing and matching your herbs. Unlock the hidden properties gradually and you will probably make out amazing potions, or weird ones, if unlucky.

Have you found out the properties of some of the herbs? Share with us at

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